USCG Auxiliary Blue Logo District 8 Western Rivers Region
Division 15, Flotilla 15-05
Fort Smith, Arkansas


How to Join

Boating Safety Classes

Vessel Safety Checks

Kids Only


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District 8WR Website

Division 15 Website


Privacy Policy Disclaimer


Last Updated  6/13/09


An important part of our public education program is the Vessel Safety Check program. A Vessel Safety Check, or VSC, is a free service provided by specially trained auxiliary members to the boating public. Your vessel examiner has no legal authority. You will not be penalized in any way if your boat is not up to safety guidelines. Our goal is to educate the boating public in ways to improve their safety on the water. We will let you know what you can do to make your boat and your family safer, as well as inform you when your vessel is not up to current legal requirements. Not only might a Vessel Safety Check prevent an on-the-water mishap, you might learn something that will prevent you from getting a costly citation from local law enforcement.

A 2009 Vessel Safety Check schedule will be posted as soon as it becomes available.


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