USCG Auxiliary Blue Logo District 8 Western Rivers Region
Division 15, Flotilla 15-05
Fort Smith, Arkansas

How to Join

Boating Safety Classes

Vessel Safety Checks

Kids Only


Member Links

Privacy Policy Disclaimer


National Auxiliary Website

District 8WR Website

Division 15 Website

MARSEC Level 1: Significant Risk - Click for details

National Threat Level: Elevated




Last Updated  6/13/09

U.S. Coast Guard Boat

Overview: This flotilla has been an operational unit since December 2, 1970.  For more information about our specific activities and services, email our Flotilla Commander Larry Alber.

Meetings:  Meetings are held at the Coast Guard Auxiliary Station, 3802 Grand Ave., Fort Smith, on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:15 pm.  If you would like to attend a meeting, meet our members, ask questions, and determine how you can apply your unique skills, email or call our Personnel Services Staff Officer, Clara B. Meyer, (479) 452-3338.  We look forward to meeting you.


For comments or corrections on this website, contact the webmanager.